Aktieägarna i Syncro Group AB org.nr 556658–5054 (”Bolaget”), kallas härmed till extra bolagsstämma den 11…
Years and years of creative and strategic knowledge and financial wizards gathered under one roof. It enables us to offer a complete, customized, and seamless digital marketing experience that will take brands to pole position within their segment, regardless the niche.
Years and years of creative and strategic knowledge and financial wizards gathered under one roof. It enables us to offer a complete, customized, and seamless digital marketing experience that will take brands to pole position within their segment, regardless the niche.
The influencer marketing industry is set to grow to approximately 22 billion dollars worldwide in 2025. More than every other company is open to using AI for influencer identification and 1/4 intend to spend more than 40% of their entire marketing budget on influencer campaigns.
That’s like music to our ears. And while most people call it influencer marketing, we’d like to talk about unlimited influencer marketing based on personal and character driven data.
With the combined services of Collabs, Cube and Gigger – it’s easier than ever for agencies and brands to connect with influencers worldwide, create and manage effective campaigns, and continuously adjust them based on insightful and solid data to maximize the ROI. This, what Syncro offers, creates an internationally scalable platform with endless possibilities, where only the imagination sets the limit.
We may be at the forefront, but that doesn’t stop us from constantly developing and refining both our technology and our offering. And we do it based on The Holy Trinity of Syncro: People. Passion. Tech.
Aktieägarna i Syncro Group AB org.nr 556658–5054 (”Bolaget”), kallas härmed till extra bolagsstämma den 11…
Styrelsen i Syncro Group AB (publ) (”Syncro Group” eller ”Bolaget”) har idag, villkorat av efterföljande…
Syncro Group AB (publ) (”Syncro” eller ”Bolaget”) offentliggör härmed bokslutskommuniké för perioden januari – december…
Syncro Group AB (publ) (”Syncro Group” eller ”Bolaget”) senarelägger bokslutskommuniké för 2024 till den 28…
Syncro Group AB:s (publ) (”Syncro” eller ”Bolaget”) dotterbolag WeAreCube AB (”Cube”) har idag beslutat om…
Syncro Group AB (publ) is listed on Spotlight in Sweden as SYNC B. We empower people and brands of tomorrow, through innovative digital solutions.