Invite AGM 2024-05-07
Proxy AGM 2024-05-07
Invite EGM 2024-02-05
Proxy EGM 2024-02-05
Suggested Articles of Association number 1
Suggested Articles of Association number 2
Terms Warrants Series TO6
Terms Warrants Series TO7
Board Statement over Significant Events
Auditors Statement over Significant Events
Invite AGM 2023-05-17
Proxy AGM 2023-05-17
Invite EGM 2022-07-08
Proxy EGM 2022-07-08
Invite AGM 2022-06-20
Proxy AGM 2022-06-20
Suggested Articles of Association before AGM 2022 – 2022-06-20
Suggested terms incentive program (board) AGM 2022 – 2022-06-20
Suggested terms incentive program (personnel) AGM 2022 – 2022-06-20
Invite EGM 2021-11-08
Proxy EGM 2021-11-08
Invite AGM 2021-05-31
Postal voting form AGM 2021-05-31
Proxy AGM 2021-05-31
Invite EGM 2020-07-15
Invite AGM 2020-05-19
Invite EGM 2019-12-05
Invite AGM 2019-05-22
Invite AGM 2018-05-22