The last day of trading in the warrants of series TO3 in Syncro Group AB is today, March 29, 2023


Today, March 29, 2023, is the last day of trading with the warrants of series TO3 in Syncro Group AB (publ) (“Syncro Group” or the “Company”). The subscription period for the warrants of series TO3 runs up until March 31, 2023. Each warrant of series TO3 gives the holder the right to subscribe for one (1) new share of series B in Syncro Group at an exercise price of SEK 0.20 per share of series B.

If all the warrants of series TO3 are exercised, the Company will receive approximately SEK 4.2 million before issuing costs. For the warrants to not expire without value, it is required that the holder actively subscribes for new shares no later than March 31, 2023, or sell the warrants no later than today, March 29, 2023. Please observe that certain nominees might close their application earlier than March 31, 2023.


Summarized terms for the warrants of series TO3:


Subscription period: March 17, 2023 – March 31, 2023.


Issue size: 20,950,076 warrants of series TO3, which entitles to subscription of 20,950,076 shares of series B. If all warrants are exercised, the Company will receive approximately SEK 4.2 million before issuing costs.


Exercise price: SEK 0.20 per share.


Last day for trading warrants of series TO3: March 29, 2023.


Shares, share capital and dilution: If all warrants are exercised the share capital will increase with SEK 2,095,007.60, from SEK 31,468,705.90 to SEK 33,563,713.50. If all warrants are exercised the number of shares of series B in the Company will increase with 20,950,076, in total the number of shares in the Company will increase from 314,687,059 shares to 335,637,135 shares (510,000 shares of series A and 335,127,135 shares of series B). In the event that all warrants of series TO3 are exercised, the dilution amounts to approximately 6,24 percent of the number of shares and approximately 6,16 percent of the votes in the Company.


Please note that warrants that are not exercised no later than March 31, 2023, or sold no later than today, March 29, 2023, will expire without value. For warrants not to lose their value, the holder must actively subscribe for new shares or sell the warrants.



Mangold Fondkommission AB is financial adviser and Eversheds Sutherland Advokatbyrå AB is legal adviser for Syncro Group regarding the warrants.


For questions regarding the warrants, please contact:

Mangold Fondkommission AB

Phone:  +46 8 5050 1595



For further information about Syncro Group, please contact:

Ebbe Damm, CEO Syncro Group

Phone:  +46 705 46 46 00

E-mail:  ebbe.damm@


Olof Lindblom, CMO Syncro Group

Phone:  +46 761 74 28 25

E-mail:  olof.lindblom@


Henrik Sundewall, CFO Syncro Group

Phone:  +46 768 77 00 00

E-mail:  henrik.sundewall@


About Syncro Group

Syncro enables collaboration between people and brands through innovative tech. We invest in companies that are part of forming the new digital economy and strengthening our market offering. Syncro has offices in Sweden and Denmark, with headquarter in Stockholm.


Syncro Group’s Qualified Adviser on Spotlight Stock Market is Mangold Fondkommission AB.


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