Syncro’s Collabs adds ten agencies across Europe


In a significant move underscoring its international expansion strategy, Collabs announces partnerships with ten agencies across four European countries. This expansion reflects the platform’s commitment to organic growth and the broad appeal of its influencer marketing technology.

"This marks a milestone in our efforts to enhance our international footprint, reflecting the diverse and dynamic nature of the European influencer marketing landscape. We are excited about the collaborative potential these new relationships bring to our platform. The partnerships are a testament of the scalability of the platform," says Ebbe Damm, CEO at Syncro.


The new partnerships span Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands, and France, marking a notable increase in Collabs’ presence within the European market. The agencies joining the Collabs platform include:



MSB Talents



Talents Agency

WOS Talent & Career Management

GCI Brand Influence

Oitenta8 – Boutique de Marketing de Influência

ICONES Booking & Management



The Netherlands:

Unlocked Branding



Bonjour My Agency

GIZELLE / Gisele Paris


Collabs continues to set the standard for influencer marketing platforms, providing innovative solutions that facilitate effective collaborations between businesses and influencers. Through its sophisticated AI technology, Collabs simplifies the discovery and management of influencer partnerships, ensuring campaigns are as efficient and impactful as possible.


For more information, please contact:

Ebbe Damm, CEO, Syncro Group
Phone:  +46 70 546 46 00




About Syncro Group

Syncro enables collaboration between people and brands through innovative tech. Syncro has offices in Sweden and Denmark, with headquarter in Stockholm.



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