Syncro strengthens the management team by appointing Olof Lindblom as CMO


Syncro Group AB (publ) has appointed Olof Lindblom as CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) to develop the company’s brand, communication and marketing.

Olof Lindblom has been involved in, and successfully built up, the influencer agency CUBE for 8 years as founder and CEO. He has now been promoted to the management team of Syncro, where he oversees the company’s communication in parallel with his role at CUBE. Olof takes over as CMO on 3 October 2022.

 “It feels incredibly exciting to lead Syncro’s communications going forward. I see Syncro as a brand with over 6,000 existing customers – people who have invested in our journey. We have been working hard behind the scenes for a while to set a new direction for the company where we redefine what we do and where we are going; as well as highlight all the talented people in the company who fight for us to reach our goals every day. The result of all the work will go live on October 17.” says Olof Lindblom, CMO of Syncro Group.

“Olof is an experienced leader with solid knowledge of entrepreneurship, marketing and communication strategies. He will be responsible for shaping and developing Syncro’s new brand identity as well as the market plan that has been developed. We are a fast-growing company that needs to be at the absolute forefront in all areas, one of which is communication. My focus will be on the operational side to continue to optimize processes, drive sales and ensure that we have an efficient organization – without compromising on our growth.” says Magnus Winterman, CEO of Syncro Group.

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For further information, please contact:

Syncro Group AB (publ)

Magnus Winterman, CEO

Telephone: 0702 95 99 55

Email: magnus.winterman@

Olof Lindblom, CMO

Telephone: 0761 74 28 25

Email: olof.lindblom@

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