Syncro sees high demand for Collabs Freemium


Syncro announces today that demand for the subsidiary Collabs’ influencer marketing platform, Collabs Freemium, is exceeding internal forecasts. The Saas platform, which in recent months has expanded its functionality, automation and, most recently, added TikTok, launched Collabs Freemium on February 1st. Collabs Freemium has so far onboarded 36 companies, with the goal to onboard the first 100 customers during the month of February and, together with them, refine the strategy before more customers are released.



  • 36 companies onboarded
  • 100 customers onboarded during February to refine their strategy
  • TikTok added to the platform


“In just a few days, many companies have started using the service, with more companies onboarded every day. We are incredibly happy that Collabs Freemium has received such a great reception from the companies that have now become customers. It is also fun to be close to those companies in dialogue with us who have seen and understood our goal with Collabs: to really turn the industry upside down and create new cost-effective ways for any company to conduct Influencer Marketing that is both measurable and cost-effective,” says Fredrik Grufvisare, CEO of Collabs.


Collabs will now focus on onboarding the first 100 selected companies. Strategic decisions about which countries the platform should open up to next and which social networks should be included will be made in dialogue with Collabs’ customers.


“The advantage of our infrastructure is that we can remotely analyze markets where we are not currently operational and within two weeks open up to a new market. This means that we can now, together with the first 100 customers, decide how to develop our internationalization strategy.”


In connection with Collabs Freemium, the entirety of CUBE also has the opportunity to offer the platform as part of its agency offer, which both expands and streamlines their offer.

For further information, please contact:

Fredrik Grufvisare, CEO Collabs AB

Phone: +46 79 349 59 15



Olof Lindblom, CMO Syncro Group

Phone: +46 76 174 28 25

E-mail: olof.lindblom@


About Syncro Group

Syncro enables collaboration between people and brands through innovative tech. We invest in companies that are part of forming the new digital economy and strengthening our market offering. Syncro has offices in Sweden and Denmark, with headquarter in Stockholm.




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