Syncro launches new business venture for TikTok


Today, Syncro's subsidiary, CUBE, is launching a new business venture—TikTok Studio—which provides brands with a comprehensive offer for TikTok, today’s fastest growing social media platform.


In addition to influencer marketing, CUBE’s TikTok Studio will include strategy support and the customized production of a brand’s own business account, of which paid social is a part. The new business venture is enabled via, and together with, another Syncro subsidiary product: The Collabs’ platform, one of the first SaaS platforms able to offer a comprehensive, tech-based solution to TikTok campaigns on a global level.


“From our end, this is a major strategic investment and a completely new business venture within Syncro. We see an incredible strength and competitive advantage in being one of the first on the market to offer a combined agency-SaaS solution within the fastest growing social media channel in the world, and we already see this venture generating significant new revenue for the group in 2023,” says Olof Lindblom, CMO Syncro.


The venture is led by Denise Mehta, Head of Brand Solutions, as well as CUBE’s Creative Director, Rasmus Kolbe, who has 1.1 million followers on TikTok.

“We are currently working with over a hundred brands on an annual basis across the Nordics, and feel that there is a big gap in the market when it comes to TikTok. We have developed a unique offer that will help streamline the process for our customers when setting strategies, conceptualizing creative briefs, and, perhaps most crucially, providing results based on set KPIs for TikTok, a fast-growing channel where general in-house competence is lacking. We have already received an incredibly good response from the market having launched a product that has been lacking until now.” says Denise Mehta, Head of Brand Solutions CUBE.


Read more here:

For more information, please contact:

Denise Mehta, Head of Brand Solutions, WeAreCube AB

Telefon: 073 696 98 87



Olof Lindblom, CMO Syncro Group

Telefon: 076 174 28 25

E-post: olof.lindblom@


About Syncro Group

Syncro enables collaboration between people and brands through innovative tech. We invest in companies that are part of forming the new digital economy and strengthening our market offering. Syncro has offices in Sweden and Denmark, with headquarters in Stockholm.



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