Syncro Group’s subsidiary CUBE enters into agreement with successful dating app Hinge in the Nordic markets


As the American dating app Hinge continues to expand in Europe, Hinge is now ready for their big push into the Nordics with the help of CUBE. Hinge is part of the company group Match Group.

Hinge is now taking on new markets as the app that is “designed to be deleted”. This launch campaign is part of a larger effort to establish Hinge across Europe, as well as to continue its visibility in Sweden following the app’s launch in 2022. The goal of the influencer marketing strategy is to establish Hinge as the leading app for intentional dating.

“We are proud to announce our partnership with Hinge as we embark on a mission to revolutionize the experience of dating within the Nordic market. Our team at CUBE are looking forward to working on this and we are dedicated to elevating Hinge’s brand presence and positioning. By carefully selecting the right brand ambassadors who align with Hinge’s values and messaging, we will drive success and make a lasting impact,” says Victoria Morrison, Brand Partnership Manager at CUBE.

“We are happy to initiate this collaboration together with CUBE and take a new step into the Nordic Market, both by growing our activities in Sweden as well as our upcoming launches. After our initial discussions with CUBE and the team, we instantly felt that they understood our brand tonality and the strategic help that we need on a local level to utilize our influencer marketing going forward in the Nordics,” says Joana Moser, Marketing Manager at Hinge.

About Hinge: The dating app Hinge focuses on making better matches and creating meaningful relationships. Hinge is a dating app for people who want to stop dating, and is the first app designed to be deleted as quickly as possible. Hinge is the second most downloaded dating app in several key English-speaking markets, including the United Kingdom and Australia, and is currently used in over 20 countries. With a sophisticated design, innovative machine learning, and meaningful features, Hinge provides users with a unique user experience. Founded in 2012, Hinge is part of the Match Group and is led by CEO and founder Justin McLeod. Read more about Hinge here.

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