Syncro Group’s subsidiary CUBE enters into a preferred partner agreement across 5 markets with a global retail company


Syncro Group AB’s (publ) subsidiary CUBE enters into a preferred partner agreement regarding influencer marketing with a global retail company based in Sweden. The agreement runs for 12 months and will begin immediately. The assignment spans five markets and will include strategy, procurement and project management and is made possible via Collab’s new platform.

The retail company is currently active in 74 markets, of which 53 are online markets. In the company’s beauty segment, there is a wide selection of makeup, hair products and skincare. CUBE has won the assignment as their strategic partner for influencer marketing in the beauty segment in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Italy and Germany.

Fanny Askerfors, Brand partnership manager & strategist CUBE:

“We are incredibly happy about the great trust we have received from such an established and strong brand. This is an exciting client in many ways – mainly because we get the opportunity to use our entire influencer marketing investment, where Cube’s agency operations combined with Collab’s technology enable collaboration at this level for 2023.”

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