Syncro Group launches new brand to tap into booming markets


Syncro Group today launched its new brand and vision to tap both the global influencer market set to grow 21 percent in 2022 topping $16.4 billion and the fast-growing gig-market.

portrait of two people


“Today we are very happy to launch a new Syncro. We have new leadership in place, a new brand identity, a new communication plan and a new vision that brings all our companies together. We spent a lot of time repositioning our company and software offering to ensure we have incredible tech platforms ready to support the broad needs in the global markets we are active in, for the years to come. We will continue to grow with profitability as our main goal,” said Syncro’s Chief Executive Officer Ebbe Damm.


In 2022, the company spent the majority of its efforts on developing Collabs’ new SaaS platform. 


“Traditional media is losing traction as the biggest brands in the world rearrange their 

marketing budgets toward social media and people with influence supply more specific

audiences. Collabs’ new platform enables a global influencer marketing position for Syncro, and we have already onboarded some of the biggest brands in the world in our global influencer marketing offer. We expect to drive over SEK100 million in marketing budgets across 10 different markets through Collabs platform in 2023,” said Syncro’s Chief Marketing Officer Olof Lindblom.


Almost 30 percent of new businesses are connected to gig-workers, including about 5 percent of the Swedish workforce who do gigs each day. With the new Collabs platform enabling collaborations between brands and influencers on a global scale, Syncro strengthens its position even further through its Gigger offering, creating notable possible synergies between the companies within Syncro. Syncro empowers companies and individuals to thrive in the new digital economy.


More information about the new brand and vision can be found at Syncro’s new website



For more information, please contact:


Ebbe Damm, CEO Syncro Group

Phone: +46 70 546 46 00

Email: ebbe.damm@


Olof Lindblom, CMO Syncro Group

Phone: +46 76 174 28 25

Email: olof.lindblom@



About Syncro

Syncro Group AB (publ) is listed on Spotlight in Sweden as SYNC B. We invest in companies that are a part of forming the new digital economy and, in some way or another, are fostering collaboration between people and brands – through tech.


Source: Influencer Marketing Hub


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