Syncro Group launches Collabs Freemium and Collabs Payout – a global infrastructure for influencer marketing


Syncro Group (publ) announces that Collabs’ new 360 platform will be launched freemium together with the fintech service Collabs Payout in early 2023. By first adding value through a free platform (Collabs Freemium), the company can charge a transparent fee based on transactions (Collabs Payout) on the platform. The strategy is to make Collabs an infrastructure for the industry where companies such as Zoom have stood as role models.



In August, Collabs’ new platform was launched – “Google for influencer marketing” – based on the company’s unique AI-based search function. Now, all features of the platform will be free for all brands connected to the platform. They can thus streamline their work as Collabs Payout seamlessly handles all handling of transactions between brands and creators.


“With Collabs Payout, all invoicing flows between companies and creators are automated, which greatly benefits those connected to the platform. Instead of spending time matching billing documents, users can focus on creating smart, effective influencer marketing campaigns, despite tougher macroeconomic conditions.” says Fredrik Grufvisare, CEO Collabs AB.


“Influencer marketing is expected to grow by 47% globally over the next year despite an economic downturn so we are now launching a unique product with very good timing. When the pandemic hit in 2019, new conditions were created for companies like Zoom to establish their service as an infrastructure for digital meetings. We now see an opportunity to make a similar journey in influencer marketing where we can quickly get our offer out to many customers in a short time. First, we will add value to our customers through a free platform, then, we can take a transparent fee based on the transactions in the platform where ‘Collabs Payout’ acts as an engine.” says Olof Lindblom, CMO Syncro Group and founder of Cube.


The launch of Collabs Freemium and Collabs Payout will take place in early 2023.


“The plans to make Collabs’ platform license-free for users have been there since the start. We have been analyzing the market and the economic climate for a long time and we know that brands are now keeping a tighter grip on their media budgets, reviewing their license costs, and placing more importance on being able to show ROI when they invest in media. We are therefore releasing Collabs as a license-free product developed to maximize ROI in influencer marketing during a period where investments in our segment are increasing. We don’t want to lock our service behind a license but create an infrastructure for the entire industry.” Fredrik Grufvisare, CEO Collabs, continues.



For further information, please contact:

Ebbe Damm, CEO

Phone: +46 705 46 46 00

E-mail: ebbe.damm@


Olof Lindblom, CMO

Phone: +46 761 74 28 25

E-mail: olof.lindblom@


About Syncro Group

Syncro enables collaboration between people and brands through innovative tech. We invest in companies that are part of forming the new digital economy and strengthening our market offering. Syncro has offices in Sweden and Denmark, with headquarter in Stockholm.




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