Syncro Group has carried out a directed share issue of approximately 15 million SEK, refinanced outstanding loans of 22 million SEK, and is issuing warrants, free of charge, of series TO4


“Succeeding in completing this issue in today’s turbulent market is a sign of Syncro’s strength. We are very pleased that previous owners are increasing their investments and that we are also bringing in new, well-known, owners who share our view of Syncro’s strong future prospects.
The financing gives us more stability and even better opportunities to accomplish the plan that we presented to the market and Syncro’s growth potential – starting with the extensive change work of the last few months. We have an exciting future with both scalability and profitability in sight.” says Ebbe Damm, CEO of Syncro Group.

Read Syncro’s latest press release (in Swedish) for all of the latest details

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