Syncro Group appoints Ebbe Damm as CEO


The board of Syncro Group AB (publ) (“Syncro”) has appointed Ebbe Damm as CEO to lead the company into a new phase with a stronger focus placed on profitability. In connection with this, CEO Magnus Winterman is leaving the company. Ebbe Damm leaves the role of Chairman of the Board but remains a board member. Board member Ronny Elenius takes over as Chairman of the Board. The changes have been implemented with immediate effect.

The board of Syncro Group AB (publ) (“Syncro”) has appointed Ebbe Damm as CEO to lead the company into a new phase with a stronger focus placed on profitability. In connection with this, CEO Magnus Winterman is leaving the company. Ebbe Damm leaves the role of Chairman of the Board but remains a board member. Board member Ronny Elenius takes over as Chairman of the Board. The changes have been implemented with immediate effect.

“Since last summer, the board has worked out a new direction for Syncro, which means clarifying our operations, how we communicate and what our goals are. We are working to take a new position in the market and to do so with profitability in focus. I look forward to leading this new initiative with strong support from the rest of the board. I want to thank Magnus for his efforts for Syncro”, says Ebbe Damm, newly appointed CEO of Syncro.

“I am pleased to hand over to Ebbe, who possesses all the skills required to lead the new venture. My work has been to integrate our acquired companies according to plan – a mission that is now completed. I look forward to following the company from the sidelines as a shareholder”, says Magnus Winterman, outgoing CEO of Syncro.

Ebbe Damm, born in 1969, is a seasoned leader and entrepreneur, he has international experience and specialises in value creation. Damm, also the founder of Collabs AB which was acquired by Syncro in 2021, is one of Syncro’s major shareholders, privately and through companies. He has been a member of Syncro’s board since 2021.

Ronny Elénius, born in 1976, has many years of experience as a senior advisor and investor; he has also maintained an extensive career in senior positions. Ronny Elénius has previously been a member of the subsidiary WeAreCube AB’s board and has been a member of Syncro’s board since 2022.

For further information, please contact:

Ebbe Damm, CEO – Syncro Group
Telephone: +46 70 546 46 00
Email: ebbe.damm@

Ronny Elénius, chairman of the board – Syncro Group
Phone: +46 70 555 05 60

Syncro Group AB (publ) is obliged to make this information public according to the EU’s market abuse regulation. The information was submitted, through the care of the above contact person, for publication on October 11, 2022, at 08:30.

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