Sellpy signs long-term agreement with Collabs


On Thursday, August 25th, Collabs AB re-launched its innovative platform which is described as "a Google for influencer marketing”. Now, just over a week after the public announcement, the company Sellpy has chosen to enter into a year-long agreement with Collabs regarding the use of the new platform.

On Thursday, August 25th, Collabs AB re-launched its innovative platform which is described as “a Google for influencer marketing”. Now, just over a week after the public announcement, the company Sellpy has chosen to enter into a year-long agreement with Collabs regarding the use of the new platform.

“We have had the opportunity to test Collab’s platform for some time and were quickly, deeply, impressed by the system’s intelligence and functionality. Influencer marketing is an important part of our channel mix and with Collab’s platform, we can identify the right creators within our niche in just a few seconds through a quick search. This streamlines our work enormously.” Says Alma Riihelä, Nordic manager at Sellpy.

Sellpy now enters into a long-term license agreement with Collabs to use the platform to streamline influencer marketing activities both in Sweden and abroad.

“We are very happy that an established and exciting brand like Sellpy has chosen to work strategically with us. From the start, our ambition with the platform has been to develop an effective tool that adds new value ​​to the market. We are incredibly happy for the great reviews we have received so far from the selected customers who were able to test the software early on and are now looking forward to being able to continue working closely with several of these actors during the autumn.” Says Fredrik Grufvisare, CEO of Collabs.

For further information, please contact:

Syncro Group AB (publ)
Magnus Winterman, CEO – Syncro Group AB (publ)
Telephone: 0702 95 99 55
Email: magnus.winterman@

Fredrik Grufvisare, CEO – Collabs AB
Telephone: 0793 49 59 15

About Syncro Group

Syncro Group AB (publ) is a listed company with a strategy to own, manage and refine SaaS companies within the new market economy. The portfolio includes companies with SaaS platforms developed with the market’s most modern technologies, each of which is self-sufficient and which cross-fertilizes the other companies in the portfolio. The goal is to identify and acquire SaaS companies that have a superior business strategy, and a digital platform that can become a leader in their business area, at an early stage. Each company must contribute to opening up possible synergies between other companies in the group.

About Collabs

Collabs is a SaaS company focused on developing software services for influencer marketing markets globally. The company was founded in 2018 and is headquartered in Stockholm.

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Syncro Group AB (publ) (”Syncro Group” eller ”Bolaget”) meddelar idag utfallet i den företrädesemission av units som beslutades av styrelsen den 2 oktober 2024 och som godkändes av extra bolagsstämma den 12 november 2024 (”Företrädesemissionen”) samt den riktade unitemission som styrelsen beslutade om den 27 november 2024 till innehavarna av interimsaktier som tillkommit genom teckningsoptioner av serie TO5 (den ”Riktade Emissionen”). Företrädesemissionen har tecknats till cirka 6,9 MSEK, motsvarande en teckningsgrad om cirka 26,1 procent, vilket innebär att cirka 30,7 procent av Företrädesemissionens totala volym tilldelas emissionsgaranterna. Genom Företrädesemissionen tillförs Syncro Group totalt cirka 15 MSEK före emissionskostnader. Den Riktade Emissionen har tecknats till cirka 27,3 procent vilket tillför Bolaget initialt cirka 25 KSEK före emissionskostnader.

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