New safety AIS + DSC MOB alert product from True Heading AB (Publ.)


"If you can see them, you can rescue them" AIS + DSC MOB alert for your safety aboard. The new AIS + DSC MOB alert unit from True Heading is a combined AIS MOB/DSC Maritime Survivor Locating Device (MSLD). This new safety product from True Heading will be released on the Stockholm Boatshow "Allt för sjön" 2020.

It is developed to increase the efficiency of Man Over Board emergency alerting to the vicinity according to all existing standards by starting broadcasting within seconds after activation.

Base of this device is the world’s first AIS MOB unit with fully automatic activation.

Goal of the AIS-MOB is to fasten-up the alerting of the “next to the MOB” vessels.

The combination of these two most effective communication ways will be the result which probably can make the difference between saving or losing a life at sea.

Due to the palm size the AIS-MOB is ready for easy usage with every kind of automatic lifejackets, no matter which manufacturer.

With a bright red LED flare, the MOB has got a high visibility for miles.

  • In event of emergency
    • Automatic activation
      • In case of man over board scenario the life jacket inflates automatically when submerged. The inflating of the balloon will throw out the MSLD AIS-MOB which also will be submerged into the water. The unit is triggered and starts broadcasting immediately.
    • Broadcasting DSC distress call
      • With the AIS-MOB it is possible to alert up to 8 different vessels within a closed loop call. MMSI of these vessels can be programmed into the AIS-MOB easily via Bluetooth© and a special ‘free of charge’ App. Within seconds after the automatic activation the first DSC distress call will be send out to all pre-programmed MMSI numbers containing the unit-ID of the MOB. This first alert will sensitize all the “closed loop vessels” about the event of emergency. After there is a position-fix with the satellite a second DSC distress call is send out to all pre-programmed MMSI numbers containing the unit-ID of the AIS-MOB as well as current GPS position of the MOB.
    • Broadcasting AIS safety message
      • Parallel to the DSC distress call an AIS safety related message will be send out after the MOB has got the position fix from the satellite. In case that the fix is ready, an AIS emergency message is send out to all AIS systems in the vicinity up to 7 nautical miles and more. The message contains the unit-ID of the device as well as live GPS position and speed and curse over ground of the victim drifting in the current. The GPS position will be updated every minute and send out with the next transmission.


  • Usage with every automatic life jacket without special preparation – very easy mounting
  • AIS safety related message to every AIS receiver within range of transmission
  • Persistent AIS broadcasting with updated GPS position every minute
  • DSC distress call to up to 8 different vessels in closed loop call
  • +24 hours battery lifetime in dual mode (AIS & DSC broadcasting)
  • High visible bright red LED Flare
  • More than 1 W radiated transmission power for AIS mode
  • 0.5 watt radiated transmission power for DSC distress call
  • Fully automatic activation when submerged
  • Full self-floatable
  • No annual fee
  • No license needed
  • According all existing standards
  • Patented antenna release mechanism


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