Syncro Group signs strategic partnership with Dope Studio accelerating international expansion


Syncro Group, a pioneer in influencer marketing SaaS solutions, today announces that its subsidiary Collabs, has signed a Letter of Intent with Dope Studio, a leading Greek media agency with operations in Greece and Albania.

This strategic partnership leverages Dope Studio’s extensive experience in influencer marketing and deep understanding of local market dynamics to facilitate a rapid scale-up in the Greek and Albanian markets. This collaboration underscores our commitment to enhancing global footprint without the need of extensive capital investment or staff expansion.


"Dope Studio’s profound expertise and solid track record in executing impactful digital strategies make them an ideal partner as we pursue our vision of becoming the leading influencer marketing platform in Europe," said Ebbe Damm, CEO of Syncro Group. "Their local know-how and innovative approach are crucial as we tailor our offerings to meet the specific needs of the Greek market, enabling us to scale quickly and efficiently."


The partnership is expected to drive significant advancements in Collabs' service offerings, providing both companies with growth opportunities and enhanced capabilities to serve brands and influencers within the region.


About Dope Studio
Dope Studio excels in creating data-driven, optimized, high-performance digital experiences across a variety of platforms, making them a preferred partner for companies aiming to enhance their digital presence. In 2022, Dope Studio was named the top Independent Digital Agency of the year and has large customers such as among others Kaizen Gaming, Kraft, Estée Lauder and Clinique.


For further information, please contact:

Ebbe Damm, CEO, Syncro Group
Phone:  +46 70 546 46 00



About Syncro Group

Syncro enables collaboration between people and brands through innovative tech. Syncro has offices in Sweden and Denmark, with headquarter in Stockholm.



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Syncro Group AB (publ) (”Syncro” eller “Bolaget”) fokuserar verksamheten på influencer marketing genom plattformen Collabs och har därför ingått avtal om att sälja samtliga innehavda aktier i dotterbolaget Gigger AB. Omstruktureringen förväntas ge kostnadsbesparingar om minst 0,6 mkr per månad från och med januari 2025. Köpeskillingen för Gigger uppgår till 32,5 mkr och betalas genom skuldförbindelser som förfaller till kontant betalning under 2024. Koncernmässiga resultateffekter av engångskaraktär ger en positiv resultatpåverkan under tredje kvartalet om cirka 30 mkr. Omstruktureringen innebär även att CFO Henrik Sundewall lämnar bolaget då behov av CFO på heltid inte längre bedöms finnas. Sundewall ersätts på deltid av Sven Cristea.

Syncro Group AB (publ) (”Syncro Group” eller ”Bolaget”) offentliggör härmed delårsrapport för andra kvartalet (april-juni) och för första halvåret (januari-juni) 2024. Rapporten finns tillgänglig som bifogat dokument samt på Bolagets hemsida ( Nedan följer en sammanfattning av rapporten.